September 12, 2024
Hijra bank Call for Written Exam or those who apply for the post of Trainee Banker A large number of applicants are registered for Trainee Banker post announced for all Hijra Bank Branches found in different regions of the Country.

Hijra bank Call for Written Exam or those who apply for the post of Trainee Banker A large number of applicants are registered for Trainee Banker post announced for all Hijra Bank Branches found in different regions of the Country.

Due to large number of applicants, shortlisting & other recruitment process takes up to this date to finalize. Now we would like to inform that all the process is finalized & the short listed applicants are invited for written exam which will be conducted on Saturday March 19, 2022 at 8:00 AM (Morning) at Addis Ababa University School of Commerce. In addition we will contact the shortlisted applicants by send text message through phone number registered during application process.

Click the link to check your status: Hijra Bank: Applicants ( protocols:-Its expected from all short listed applicants to come early and check his/her list and the room he/she is assigned before the exam date. It’s mandatory to take the exam only on the room he/she is assigned.

Exam result will be canceled for those who tried to take the exam in the room he/she is not assigned.It is mandatory to come with ID card to attend the exam. You can use calculator but exchanging or lending calculator at exam room is strictly forbidden Mobile phone is not allowed in the exam room.

Those who receive text message from Hijra Bank but can’t get their name from the list is advised to communicate HR department before the date the exam is conducted Original Document verification regarding to CGPA, Year of graduation, Age and others will be done before recruiting.

For more information please contact us on +251115584931. Hijra Bank HR Department Hijra Bank Journey to a Bright Future