September 14, 2024
1 Chief IT Security Officer

MSC/BSC in Computer Science/ Information Technology/Computer
Engineering or related field of study with 10 years of relevant banking
experience with BA out of which 4 years on managerial position and 8
years of relevant banking experience with MSc/MBA/MA out of which 3
years on managerial position.

2 Manager – Trade Service Division

MA/MBA/MSc/BA degree in Economics/Management/
Accounting/Business administration or related field of study with 7 years
of relevant experience with BA out of which 2 years on supervisory
position and 5 years of relevant experience with MSc/MBA/MA out of
which 2 years on supervisory position
3 Manager – Credit
Analysis and
MA/MBA/MSc/BA degree in Economics/Management/
Accounting/Business administration or related field of study with 7 years
of relevant experience with BA out of which 2 years on supervisory
position and 5 years of relevant experience with MSc/MBA/MA out of
which 2 years on supervisory position

4 Manager –SWIFT, Foreign Accounts & Inward Remittance Division

MA/MBA/MSc/BA degree in Economics/Management/
Accounting/Business administration or related field of study with 7 years
of relevant experience with BA out of which 2 years on supervisory
position and 5 years of relevant experience with MSc/MBA/MA out of
which 2 years on supervisory position

5 Manager – Collateral Valuation Division

MSC/BSC degree in Civil Engineering/ Construction
Engineering/Mechanical Engineering or related field of study with 7
years of relevant experience with BSC out of which 2 years on supervisory
position and 5 years of relevant experience with MSC out of which 2 years
on supervisory position

6 Manager – IFB Financing and Investment Division

MA/MBA/MSc/BA degree in Management/Accounting /Business
administration/Economics or related field of study with 7 years of
relevant experience with BA out of which 2 years on supervisory position
and 5 years of relevant experience with MSc/MBA/MA out of which 2
years on supervisory position

7 SWIFT Manager

BA degree in Accounting/ Management/ Business
Administration/Economics or related field of study with 5 Years of
relevant experience

8 Principal Accountant

BA degree in Accounting/ Management/ Business
Administration/Economics or related field of study with 5 Years of
relevant banking experience

9 Senior Foreign Accounts Officer

BA/BSC degree in Management/ Accounting/Business administration
/Economics or related field of study with 4 years of relevant experience
10 Senior Foreign
Banking Officer
BA/BSC degree in Management/ Accounting/Business administration
/Economics or related field of study with 4 years of relevant experience

Place of Work :• Head Office for all positions
Salary and benefits: As per the bank’s scale.
Term of employment: Permanent.
Application Date: 22-Aug-2022 to 29-Aug-2022.
Required No: one for each positions

Note that:

• Interested applicants who only fulfill the set requirements are invited to apply via email
address within the set deadline.
• Scanned application, CV along with complete set of credential documents & work
experience shall be attached to the email address.
• The Bank has full right to cancel or take any other alternative in this regard.
• Only short listed applicants will be communicated for interview and/or exam.
• All documents should be scanned in pdf or docx formats only and size of the documents
should be less than 2.5 MB.
• Single applicant should have to send only one time by listing different cities interested on
application for different vacant place.
• Not fulfilled document is not acceptable.
• Ulaagaalee bakka hojii banaa kan guutuu fi feedhii guutuu kan qabu karaa, guyyaa jedhame
keessatti iyyata fi ibsa dhuunfaa (CV), ragoolee baruumsaa, leenjii fi muuxannoo jiran wal
qabsiiftanii karaa akka ergitan afferramtaniittu
• Bakka banaa kana dhiisuu yookiin filannoo biraa fayyadamuuf Baankiin mirga guutuu qaba.
• Namoota ulaagaalee baankiin fayyadamuun filataman qofatu qormaataaf yookiin afgaaffiif
• Ragooleen hunduu kan ergaman soft copy isaanii walumaa galatti kan 2.5MB kan hin caalle tahee
bifa pdf yookiin docx tiin ergamuu qaban.
• Namni dhuunfaan tokko bakka garaa garaa fi bakka banaa garaa garaa irratti erguu yoo barbaade
iyyata isaa irratti yeroo tokkotti bakkaa fi bakka banaa fedhii isaa tarreessuun galchuu qaba.
• Ragoolee kukkutanii erguun ragaan keessaa hafuun waan maluuf, ragooleen ergitan fuula banaa
tokko irratti kan wal qabate tahuu qaba.
• Ragaa gutuu hin taane fudhatama hin qabu.
• ክፍት የሥራ መደቦች የሚታሟሉ እና ፍላጎት ያላቸው በተቀመጠው ጊዜ ውስጥ የሥራ ማመልከቻ፤ CV፤
የትምህርትና ስልጠና ማስረጃዎች፤ የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ በመያያዝ እንዲትልኩ
• ባንኩ ክፍት የስራ ማስታወቂያ ሙሉ በሙሉ ወይንም በከፍል የመሰረዝ ወይንም ሌላ አማራጭ የመጠቀም
መፍት አለው፡፡
• ባንኩ በሚጠቀመው መስፈርት መሰረት የተመረጡ ተወዳዳሪዎች ብቻ ለቃለ መጠየቅ ይቀርባሉ፡፡
• የሚላኩ ማስረጃዎች በአጣቃላይ 2.5MB መብለጥ እንደሌለበት እና በpdf ወይንም docx መልክ መላክ አለበት፡፡
• አንድ አመልካች በተለያየ የስራ ቦታዎች እና ክፍት የስራ ቦታዎች ማመልከት ከፈለገ በአንድ ማመልከቻ ብቻ
የፈለጉትን የስራ መደቦች እና ቦታዎች በመዘርዘር መላክ አለበት፡፡
• የሚላኩ ማስረጃዎች በአንድ ገጽ መግቢያ ላይ በመያየዝ እንዲላክ እና
• ያልተሟላ ማስረጃ ተቀባይነት የለውም፡